Interactive Charts
Last Done 0.153+0.001
(0.7%) |
Volume ('000) 25.5 |
Market Capitalisation (US$'M) 200.16 |
Day's Range 0.152 - 0.153 |
52 Weeks' Range: 0.108 - 0.210 |
Issued & Paid-up Units 1 1,308,259,171 |
DPU FY2023 (US$) 4 0.0271 |
NAV/Unit (US$) 2 0.550 |
Price / NAV 3 0.279 |
Dividend Yield (%) 4 17.7 |
- Rounded to the nearest thousand.
- Based on latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year) and number of units in issue at the end of the announcement period. Results extrapolated to 12 months, if applicable.
- Based on net asset value in latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year) and number of units in issue and to be issued at the end of the announcement period.
- Based on net asset value in latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year) and number of units in issue and to be issued at the end of the announcement period, adjusted for distribution to be paid.